Your Granite Slab Countertop in Toronto – Advantages, Maintenance and Installation

Your granite slab countertop in your Toronto home can work wonderfully for your home décor. Read on to learn about the care of granite, and the costs involved in installation.

Granite Tiles Have Flooring Advantages

There is perhaps no bolder decorating touch than a granite slab floor in a Toronto home. However, in a high traffic area such as a family kitchen, it may make more sense to have tile flooring.
Natural stone tiles are as beautiful as granite slabs but less uniform in their colour and pattern – and thus harder to match up if a uniform look is desired. Mass-produced stone aggregate tiles don’t have that drawback – they are uniform in width and length. Tiles are obviously easier to fit into odd-shaped areas. The surface of tiles can also be honed, making them more slip resistant than highly polished stone. Most important is the durability of granite tiles; they can withstand high traffic.

Granite Countertops Need Cleaning and Sealing

It is in the form of countertops that granite slabs work their real magic. As a rule, slabs are less prone to damage than stone tiles because they are denser. Whereas marble requires the use of a cutting board, knife work can be done right on the surface of a granite countertop. Unlike marble, the surface of granite is more immune to damage from water, heat, and stains.
Staining can occur, but a simple poultice of a cup of flour or baking soda and five tablespoons of mild dish soap will do the trick. Make a paste and leave it on the stain overnight. In addition, it is advised to clean the counter with mild dish or hand soap and then rinse with warm water weekly.
But generally, granite maintenance is a breeze. As flooring, sand and dirt can damage granite because they are abrasives, but a dust mop will work just fine at removing the threat. Damp mopping is advised and there are special granite cleaners on the market, but good old-fashioned soap (not detergent) is sufficient. Avoid products that contain lemon juice, vinegar and other acidic, abrasive or ammonia-based cleaners.
Granite slab countertops need to be resealed every one to two years. The test of when resealing is needed is simple; sprinkle water on the stone’s surface; when it no longer beads, it is time to reseal.

Granite Installation  

With both granite slab countertops and flooring – be it tile or slab – it is important to understand in advance what kind of use it will have. A softer, more porous stone floor is not going to work in a high traffic area and highly polished stone can become dangerously slippery if there is water spillage.
When you are calculating the cost of the stone purchase, you need to factor in the various add-ons that can make demands on your chequebook at the time of installation:
  • Furniture removal, as well as removal of previous fixed cupboards or counters.
  • Removal of the old flooring and preparation of a new subfloor, bearing in mind that stone is heavy and the floor may require some strengthening.
  • Delivery of the stone.
  • The actual cost of installation, along with any additional materials needed to properly install the stone.

Your chosen granite slab – whether it is used as a countertop or flooring – will bring you great pleasure for as long as you own your Toronto home.