When Choosing a Marble Slab Toronto Buyers Should Partner with a Dealer

When renovating a kitchen or bathroom, using natural stone has become a popular trend. With many practical and aesthetic advantages, choosing a natural stone can complement the overall design of a room while providing a durable and functional surface that adds to the re-sale value of a home. So what stone do you choose? There are many options including quartz, granite and onyx – but the most valued and luxurious choice of them all is marble. For countertops and other surfaces, people will often go with slabs instead of tiles. This is because a slab will offer the most seamless and dramatic finish for your design. When choosing a marble slab, Toronto buyers should partner with an experienced dealer and learn all they can about the stone they choose.
Marble is a popular choice for bathroom and kitchen floors and countertops. It’s soft-looking and beautiful, thanks to its limestone properties. Trace minerals, which are naturally trapped in the limestone, are put under immense geological pressure, and the end result is a milky, veiny pattern that streaks through the rich marble. Of course, this beauty comes at a price and must be maintained to prevent wear and tear from leaving its mark. So, how should you take care of your marble?
  • Keep it clean! Use a neutral cleaner, mild liquid dishwashing detergent or stone cleaner to maintain the health of your marble slab.
  • If used on floors, use a clean rag to mop up. Use a soft cloth on other surfaces like mantles and accent pieces.
  • Rinse the surface thoroughly with a soft rag and ensure no residue is left on the marble.
  • If used in showers, soap scum can have a lasting effect on marble. Make sure you use a squeegee to get the remaining water cleaned up.
  • Avoid cleaning products with lemon, vinegar or other acidic ingredients. This can dull or etch the stone. Many brands offer a specific stone cleaning solution.
  • Follow care instructions provided to you by your natural stone dealer.
Sealing your marble slab is a must to prevent stains from developing. While this does not make the stone stain-proof, it will reduce the likelihood of stains to develop. This is particularly important to marble floors or kitchen countertops.
Following these cleaning and care practices will help your marble shine long after it has been installed. Dealers can help Toronto buyers to understand both the properties of marble and how to take care of it, thus maintaining a luxurious and soft look for years to come!