Granite Importer Aurora – Glamorize Your Life

Granite is an igneous rock, which means that it is a solidification of magma or lava. As such, this highly sought-after stone must be imported to this country for use as a magnificent finish in our homes. Granite importers in Aurora have long standing relationships with the exporters of granite that they deal with. The process to getting granite in your home could start in a faraway place you may never get a chance to visit.
Where Does Granite Originate From?
Granite is formed beneath the earth's crust from feldspar, quartz, and mica. Other minerals involved in the rock's formation give it the brilliant colours and patterns that make every piece unique. Huge rock formations are mined in quarries. Those rocks are then sliced, usually between two and three cm and one side of each slab is then polished before it is shipped out. Granite is a common mineral that has been around for thousands of years. It comes in a wide variety of colours with infinite designs and striations throughout. There are no two slabs that will be identical due to the formation process of the amazingly beautiful rock. There are several countries that granite importers in Aurora can obtain slabs from. Some of these include China, India and Brazil.
In order for a slab of granite to become a countertop, it has to be fabricated. Specially trained and certified fabricators know exactly how to cut and finish the slab to make it fit in your space with minimal joins. Although it is possible to cut a granite countertop yourself, the specialized tools and time required may make the price of a professional fabricator worth the money. Cutting granite can take time, and it is very messy. If you happen to make a mistake there is no way to erase it. Leave this part of the process to the experts.
Installing Granite Countertops
The installation of granite countertops is also a task better left to the pros. Granite typically weighs approximately 6 kg per 6.5 square cm. This means that an average countertop of three cm thickness and 2.5 meter length will weigh at least 68 kg. This is not a task that should be taken on alone. Having the right tools will ensure that the job is done correctly. The most important step in the installation of granite countertops is insuring the correct measurements have been taken. Since most counters are longer than the average slab length, it is necessary to have seams. Seams should be carefully planned to occur in an area of the cabinet where there will be a lot of support for the joining pieces. This is crucial as the seams left with inadequate support can over time separate with one side being higher than the other, leaving your counters uneven, and unattractive.
Sealing and Maintaining
Granite is definitely one of the hardest rocks found on earth. It makes excellent kitchen countertops because it is impermeable, heat and scratch resistant. Regularly sealing your granite countertops usually every two years will ensure that this gorgeous addition to your home will shine on for years to come.