Choose Granite Flooring For Aurora Home Upgrades

Granite Flooring For Your Aurora Home– Is It the Perfect Choice?

In a word, no! Granite is not the perfect flooring choice for all situations. If you are planning on installing granite flooring in your Aurora home, there are two or three negatives you should first consider.
If you are using granite tiles and want a uniform appearance to your floor, granite is not the best choice as no piece is the same and it is nearly impossible to match tiles, line for line. On the other hand, the originality of each piece of stone means that your finished room will be visually arresting in its non-conformity!
Granite also requires care. The surface is porous. That means that, over time, spills can settle and change its appearance. It is recommended that a sealant be used annually to protect the surface For the actual daily and weekly cleaning, granite simply requires a clean cloth, warm water and mild dish or hand soap. In other words – less work than a wood floor!
Finally, there is the price point. Granite flooring – whether in large pieces or tiles – is expensive. That also means it retains its value well and increases the resale value of your Aurora home!)

The Plus Factors of Granite

Running parallel with those negatives are some of granite's many plus factors. The high cost means value-added to your home. And the colour palette of granite is astonishing. Granite comes from quarries from all over the world, and exists in a wide range of colour including black, yellow, light pink, brown, green and red. There are also exotic shades that contain flecks, sparkles and startling seams and striations that gleam in natural light.
Granite is unbelievably durable, and is resistant to the kind of extra wear and tear that happens in a busy kitchen or traffic area. The stone itself has never gone out of style. What was good enough for the pyramid builders of ancient times is top drawer quality for today's homeowner.
The toughest decision may well be to decide whether to go with solid granite or tiles for the floor. Many homeowners are opting for the latter. A blend of materials, granite tiles are difficult to tell from solid slabs, and come in a full range of colours, patterns and style. They are less costly, easier to install, but still have the high quality, durability and low maintenance advantages of the stone. Granite is bacteria resistant, which is an obvious plus in a kitchen. And tiles can be replaced, should the kitchen design be reconfigured.

Where to Buy Granite

The yellow pages and internet are jammed with stone suppliers. But not all stone dealers are operating at a high level of practical expertise. It's important to bear in mind that a granite floor is going to be one of the most costly improvements you will make to your home. You need a pro. Look for a family-run operation, one that is successfully competing in a crowded market by offering personalized service. How big is the dealer's selection? Granite's amazing range must be seen to be believed, so the dealer should offer you a good selection to choose from – from the classic colours to the exotics. Whatever variety of granite flooring, your Aurora home will be sure to benefit.