Top Choices in Premium Marble Slab from Toronto Suppliers

The most successful fabricators with the highest customer satisfaction are those who incorporate the use of natural stone for their clients. Marble slab is among the most popular choices and can fit into just about every room in a home. The diverse benefits of marble has made it an ideal premium surfacing material for centuries, and not just for the incredible beauty of natural stone products.

Lifelong Satisfaction

One of the most interesting and beneficial aspects of marble is its amazing longevity. Some marble fixtures in use today have been installed over two thousand years ago, and they look as incredible today as the day they were first installed. Other surfacing materials can be stained and damaged quite easily, making refinishing or replacing countertops a necessity every five to ten years. Fabricators who choose marble slabs provide their customers with a product that, when maintained properly, will last indefinitely.


When it comes to keeping marble slab looking its very best, very little effort is required. A simple wipe with a damp cloth is more than enough for day-to-day cleaning. A more thorough cleaning involves little more than a simple solution of warm water and a drop of soap. Marble does tend to be porous in nature, which means that it should be sealed with a natural stone sealer about once a year to help keep it impervious to potential moisture and humidity damage. In the event of minor scratches, marble slab can be buffed to remove the damage, should the need ever arise.
To remove the possibility of staining in any way, it’s advisable to wipe up spills from foods and drinks in a timely manner. Some of the more acidic substances in a home, such as tomato sauce, contain high amounts of acid. Leaving acidic materials on any surface can be damaging, and marble is no exception.


When most people upgrade or renovate their homes, they’re looking for products that will not only look stunning for a lifetime, they’re also looking for a way to increase the value of their home. One of the best possible ways to attain the increased value sought after by homeowners is to include natural stone slabs such as marble throughout the remodelling process. Homes with marble installed are more often sold for higher prices as buyers are aware that the surfaces and countertops will never need to be replaced. The increased appraised value of a home is directly proportional to the increased equity acquired by the owner. It’s value that can’t be matched by other surfacing materials.
Fabricators in the know realize that customer satisfaction is the key to better business. To create the best possible surfaces for clients, the use of natural stone products like marble slab is a must. The benefits of stone products are clear to homeowners, and if given a choice, they would choose natural stone over any other material. Contact a reputable and well-stocked natural stone supplier today to find out how the incorporation of premium marble slab in Toronto homes can help increase customer satisfaction, and lead to better word-of-mouth advertising.