Marble Flooring in Vaughan is Beautiful Forever

Marble flooring is an elegant way to decorate your home in Vaughan. Marble flooring in Vaughan has been a well-liked natural stone option amongst homeowners for many years. Marble can adorn many rooms in your home, and the styles, colours, and installation options are nearly limitless. If you are thinking of marble for your home, there are several things you should consider when deciding on which rooms it will go well in. While marble can last a lifetime, it is one of the most porous of the natural stones. It has higher risk of irreparable damage from moisture, staining and etching than some of the other natural stone flooring options. For this reason, care should be taken to ensure your marble is well treated, sealed, cleaned, and maintained correctly.

Sealing Marble Flooring

Marble floors will last for many years and retain their natural splendour if they are treated correctly. Marble is very porous, and therefore it will retain spills and moisture if they are not cleaned up immediately. For this reason it is advisable to seal your marble flooring. You can hire a professional to seal your floors for you and if you have a very large area to cover, this could actually be the best idea. A professional natural stone and marble flooring retailer in Vaughan would be happy to take care of the job for you. If you are looking to save some money, or you are just the type of person that likes to do things for yourself, you can seal your floors yourself. Research the best type of sealer for the type of marble you have, as well as for the area that your marble is in. Marble in an area that is subject to more moisture, for instance, would require a sealer that will completely block out the moisture without compromising the look and feel of your luxurious natural stone floors. Be sure also to have all the correct equipment to finish the job properly. Besides your sealant, you will need a good quality sponge applicator brush. It is advisable not to use a roller as they tend to leave behind bubbles, and the bubbles could dry in to a rough, dull finish. Be sure that you are aware of the amount of time it will take to seal your marble flooring perfectly before you start. You should always plan the path you will follow while sealing your floors as well. Avoid painting yourself in to a corner. Take note of the drying time specified on your product, and be sure that the floor will not be needed at all during that time. Once your floor is dry, you will be able to walk on it. You can also test a small hidden area of your sealed floor to ensure that it is blocking moisture penetration as it should be.

Cleaning Marble Flooring

Once you have properly sealed your marble flooring, you should take note of any recommendations for cleaning the sealed floors. Some sealants will have recommended cleaning products that when used they will enhance the lifetime of the sealant. Sealing should be repeated every 6 to 12 months, dependant on the use the floor gets. Keeping your marble floors clean and free from dust and debris that can scratch the finish will ensure that you will be enjoying this stunning investment to your home’s decor for many years to come.