Metamorphic rock is a type of stone that is subjected to heat and pressure, altering its properties over time. Marble is a type of metamorphic stone. Typically, limestone functions as the "parent stoneā from which marble comes from. When exposed to a substantial amount of heat and pressure from underneath the earth's surface, limestone will re-crystallize, forming marble.
Most marble slabs consist of impurities, as is the case with many natural things. Marble's impurities are in fact what contribute to its unique and highly sought after appearance. Without impurities, the streaks or veins of marble would not be present and its many colours would not exist. Hence, white marble is the purest form of the stone.
Quarries rich in marble stone are found worldwide, including in the following countries:
United States;
Romania; and
Unite Kingdom.
Canada is another area known for its abundance of marble quarries. In fact, the majority of the country is known to have produced marble, including the following provinces:
British Columbia, particularly Vancouver Island;
New Brunswick;
Newfoundland and Labrador;
Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut;
Nova Scotia;
Prince Edward Island;
Quebec; and
While marble is a type of metamorphic stone, it is also described as being very porous. Due to this trait, the mining and manufacturing of marble requires a significant amount of skill to prevent damaging the stone. Without the proper care and techniques, marble can crack and shatter during the mining and manufacturing process. Skillful marble manufacturers will employ the proper techniques when cutting the material, in order to maintain the integrity of the stone. Professional miners will also take great care and use the best techniques when mining marble, in order to preserve the stones quality and longevity.
Within the home, care and attention should be used to maintain the appearance of marble pieces. Thankfully, the daily care requirements for marble are surprisingly minimal. All marble countertops, floors, hearths and vanities need to be wiped down daily using a clean and damp chamois or microfiber cloth. This will help to prevent stains from forming. Specifically using a chamois or microfiber cloth will help to avoid scratching or scarring the marble in any way. Long term maintenance requires polishing the marble twice a year. This will help to preserve the quality of marble pieces within a space.