Marble is a type of metamorphic rock and is often obtained through other rocks, referred to as marble's "parent" rock, such as:
What is Metamorphic Rock?
Metamorphic rock is any stone that experiences a change to its integral properties over time. These changes, or metamorphisms, are caused when the rock is subjected to an immense amount of heat and/or pressure. There are different types of metamorphisms that can take place within a rock. One of the most ubiquitous types of transformations to occur within natural stones is called contact metamorphism, which is what most marble stones experience. In contact metamorphism, the end result of the transformation is igneous rock. Other types of stone transformations are:
Regional metamorphism
Dynamic metamorphism
What is Marble?
Other than being a type of metamorphic rock, marble is also recognized for its porosity. Marble is one of thesofter types of stones found naturally within the Earth's soil. This makes marble quite fragile when in the presence of high heat, moisture, or anything abrasive or sharp as marble is prone to scratching due to its soft structure. Knowing this, marble is best used in areas of a home or any building space, with low-traffic, and where heat and moisture are kept at a minimum.
Marble is highly sought after mostly for its appearance. It is an exceptionally beautiful stone, with so many colours and patterns to choose from. Each marble tile or slab is considered to be unique and rare, as no two marble stones are alike.
Being a metamorphic rock, marble is obtained through a "parent” stone. There are many types of "parent” rocks that help to create marble. Two common ones are:
What is Travertine?
Travertine is a sedimentary rock in which the majority of calcite minerals that come from how water springs and their stemming streams. Marble from travertine tends to be particularly porous, and thus more likely to stain, etch, and burn.
What is Limestone?
Limestone is also a type of sedimentary rock that is made up of calcite minerals. However, the calcite found in limestone usually comes from marine organisms. Limestone includes other minerals like:
Limestone is the most common "parent” rock used to create marble. It offers a grand selection of colours and patterns, satisfying even the most fastidious style senses. Colour is mostly dependent on the location of the stone's origin. Limestone deposits found in the United States and Canada are typically neutral, within the spectrum of grey and buff shades. Limestone found in other parts of the world can come in almost any colour, such as:
Dark brown
Where is Marble Found?
Marble quarries are available all around the world, ranging in parent rock types, colours, and patterns. Marble suppliers can be found in and around:
United States
United Kingdom