The High Demand for Marble

The natural stone industry is going strong in Ontario with the demand for granite and marble growing steadily. Marble is one of the most attractive materials that can be used in a home. Very few materials can grab a visitor's attention quite like marble can. Although marble is a porous material it is extremely durable and can be used to complete many different looks in a home.
Marble tends to be a little bit expensive when it comes to building materials, but it is simply unbeatable in terms of the impression that it creates and how long it retains its original look. Other materials degrade over time, but marble is known to last an exceptionally long time while looking just like new with little maintenance required.
High-end homes typically employ varying levels of marble work for the sophistication that it instantly brings to any room. Marble is available in many different colours and shades meaning it can be incorporated into virtually any decoration scheme. The ability to find marble in both tile or slab form makes it even more versatile in its uses.
The Uses for Marble
There are a multitude of uses for marble that have helped it become one of the most highly sought after building materials in the world. Experienced marble workers have the ability to create unusual and exciting items out of marble as well as the standard items that we are used to seeing.
Marble has many different uses depending on what room it is used in. One of the most common uses for marble in the kitchen and bathroom is as a countertop. Marble has natural stain resistance, bacteria resistance and exceptional ease of cleaning that together make it an ideal choice as a countertop since that area tends to encounter the most bacteria and spills.
The versatility of marble is most evident when it is used in the bathroom and is sculpted into sinks or bathtubs. It is also frequently used as floor tile and shower tile producing an easy to maintain/clean, visually stunning room with truly classic appeal.
Marble is also commonly used in the living room as a fireplace and mantel piece. This is an easy way to create a beautiful focal point in a room that is both attractive and practical. Marble tables provide classic accents in any room.
Marble Maintenance
While marble consistently lasts longer than cheaper building materials it is also well-known for being a very low maintenance material. There are specialized products for marble and natural stone that help it to keep optimal appearance and durability for its lifetime. Some of these products include:
Penetrating Sealants
Stain Removers
These products ensure that your investment in marble continues to look as new and attractive as the day it was finished. When it comes to making an investment in your home, marble is unmatched in terms of beauty and long-term durability. Properly maintaining your investment is very important to enjoying it for many years to come.