How Do Granite and Marble Slab Get to the GTA for Countertops and More?

Ever wondered how granite slab gets to Toronto homes? Continue reading to learn more about granite and how it gets from quarry to kitchen countertop.

Granite Slabs for Toronto Décor

Granite slab countertops are at the top of the list for Toronto homeowners. Granite is a favourite countertop material for many reasons, including:
  • Durability. Granite is one of the hardest natural substances in the world. It’s an igneous rock formed when magma cools between layers of the earth. It’s also heat resistant, scratch resistant and stain resistant. With proper care, granite will last for centuries, which is why it has always been the material of choice of classical artists and architects.
  • Value. A natural granite slab countertop will add beauty to your home – and its resale value – according to a recent survey of homebuyers. When asked to rank attractive features of the homes they were considering purchasing, homebuyers consistently listed stone countertops as one of the most desired elements in a kitchen.
  • Appearance. Granite is available in every colour you can imagine – and then some! Granite is quarried all over the world. Types of this natural stone include India’s Ivory Silk, Israel’s Massada Gold, Saudi Arabia’s Violetta, Brazil’s Verde Twilight, Portugal’s Rosa Aurora, Norway’s Mahogany Blue Eyes and Canada’s own Arctic Rainbow. You can opt for neutral toned granite with very subtle patterning, jewel toned vivid granite with bold patterning, or anything in between. Each piece of granite is unique, and like nature’s work of art, will grace your home.

From Quarry to Your Kitchen

In recent years, new technologies have made it possible for quarries to increase their output. Using diamond wire cables, drills and high temperature torches that melt the stone, quarrymen first cut a "bench wall.” Small dynamite charges help to loosen the bench wall from the surrounding stone. Blocks are then cut from the bench wall. Some granite blocks can weigh more than 40,000 pounds!
These granite blocks are then sent for processing. A gang saw slices the block into slabs, much like a bread slicer cuts slices. These slices then move to a polishing line, where they are polished with a series of abrasives, beginning with coarse grit and progressing to very fine grit. The slab will be coated with a small amount of resin to fill in micro-fissures and then polished again.
If the granite originates overseas, slabs are then packed into shipping containers and loaded by crane into a ship. Once the slabs arrive at a Canadian port, they are sent by train to a stone importer-distributor in Toronto.

Choosing Your Granite Countertop

Better stone importers maintain a large showroom, where you can view hundreds of slabs and choose one you love. You will then "tag” this slab, or reserve it. The importer will fax all the relevant information to your fabricator (or contractor), who will order the slab.
The fabricator will visit your home and will measure all of your cabinetry. He/she will then design a plywood pattern. You will be asked to choose edges for the slab. When the stone arrives, the fabricator will use this pattern to create the countertop. Once it’s cut to order, the fabricator will install your one-of-a-kind granite countertop.
Visit a stone importer’s showroom today and explore the many beautiful granite slabs available for your kitchen. Bring nature’s art to your home!