Mosaic Backsplashes Difficult to Clean

By Mark
Edited by Admin

Mosaic Backsplashes Difficult to Clean


I heard that mosaic backsplashes are quite difficult to clean.


Is there any kind of sealant I can use to make sure that it does not get dirty in the first place?


By Interstone Marble and Granite Limited

Firstly, know that nothing is perfectly stain proof. Are we talking about natural stone backsplashes here?


Because they should definitely be sealed. If you grout them, use un-sanded grout and seal them again.

Level 6 (XP: 2400)
8 years ago
mosaic backsplashes look really nice in bathrooms, i agree!
Level 7 (XP: 2750)
9 years ago
I just googled backsplashes...they really do look difficult to clean, but they add such a nice touch to any space. I wouldnt mind these in my bathroom.