Interstone Marble & Granite Inc. mentioned in Our Homes Summer 2015 edition!

By Interstone Marble and Granite Limited
Interstone Marble & Granite Inc. mentioned in Our Homes Summer 2015 edition!
Interstone Marble and Granite Inc continues to showcase their product excellence, and has been recognized in the ​2015 Summer issue of the trendy design magazine Our Homes: Vaughan and the Township of King.  
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Level 2 (XP: 150)
9 years ago
Very nice! Congratulations to Interstone Marble and Granite on being featured in the 2015 summer issue of Our Homes!
Level 3 (XP: 950)
9 years ago
Interstone Marble and Granite is doing something right with the amazing recognition in the 2015 summer issue of Our Homes.

