Granite kitchen Countertop Sealer

How difficult is it to apply a sealant to natural stone? Is it something that I could do myself or is there a specialist who can apply it for me? Also, what type of sealant should I be using for my granite countertop in my kitchen?


By Interstone Marble and Granite Limited
Sealing (any) natural stone is as easy as pie. You apply the sealant evenly on your clean and dry countertop, let it sit while you do something for an hour or 2, then come back and buff it. Make sure nobody and nothing touches your countertop while it sits so that there are no marks on the countertop. We, at Interstone, recommend and sell FILA brand products like cleaners, sealers, enhancers and such. We like its quality and effectiveness. However, you really should get it sealed professionally the first time then keep it up yourself every year or so.