Before you Buy Natural Stone Slabs in the GTA: Geology 101

Before You Buy: Natural Stone Slabs in the GTA: Geology 101

You don’t need to take a geology class, you just need to do your research and dig deep! To best take care of your stone surface, you should research your stone’s geological classification and composition before any cleaning and maintenance. This will prevent you from using the wrong cleaning products and help to bring out the beauty and personality of your stone. Marble, granite, and other natural stones in Toronto and the GTA area require special stone care and preservation techniques to maintain their natural beauty. To stop your stones from staining, chipping, and/or scratching, make sure you set out certain rules and follow them accordingly. Get to know the stone you own.

Types of Natural Stone

There are two types of stone, calcareous or siliceous, that fall under three basic geological classifications identified by their respective formation processes: sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous. Most stones are actually made of calcium carbonate, which is also found in shells and pearls. Calcium carbonate is easily damaged by strong acidic solutions, so use a mild, non-acidic alternative. Siliceous stone, made of silicates like quartz, feldspar, and mica, is tougher and able to withstand most acids found in kitchen cleaning products.

The Rules!

Set out coasters for your glassware, especially when drinking alcohol or citrus drinks. If someone spills juice or other liquids, blot the area with paper towels to prevent spreading and immediately rinse the affected area with mild soapy water. Try to use trivets or mats underneath hot dishes and use a gentle dust mop to clean the surface frequently so dust doesn’t build up and slowly wear down the stone. If you have stone floors near your entrance, try to keep a mat at the doorway to ensure abrasive dirt and dust won’t harm your stone slabs. Remember to put an extra slip-resistant mat beneath your rugs since stone flooring has little friction, and avoid using vacuum cleaners that can scratch your stone flooring.

How to Clean Natural Stone

A popular question for new owners of natural stone is how to properly clean stone surfaces without ruining them. In order to properly clean natural stone, make sure you wash the slabs with a mild liquid dishwashing detergent, warm water, and soft cloth. Avoid using too much detergent to inhibit soapy build-up, and dry the area with a fresh soft cloth. Remember to change the water when it gets dirty to prevent streaking. If you notice any soap scum build-up inside your stone bathroom, use a squeegee or soft cloth to remove it between showers. Use a mix of water with ammonia (never ever mix with bleach as it can lead to a hazardous chemical reaction) to remove soap scum (1/2 cup ammonia to 1 gallon of water), but try to minimize usage as it can lead to dulling on certain types of stones. Outdoor stone pools, stone patios, and stone hot tubs should be cleaned with water and mild bleach to avoid moss and algae growth.

Enjoy Your Stone

Natural stone is an investment in more than your GTA home; they’re an investment of your time. Make sure you check with your professional stone supplier, installer, fabricator, and/or specialist for instructions and before you buy natural stone from a top GTA supplier!