Tile Flooring Ottawa - Keep your Tile Flooring Beautiful

tile floor ottawaWhen you set out to purchase tile for your floors, you may only have aesthetics in mind. The beauty and luster of natural stone floors in undeniable! All the more reason why you should be considering maintaining the beauty of your tiles before you purchase. Thinking about cleaning your new natural stone floors before you buy them might seem like putting the cart before the horse, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Tile flooring can be a substantial investment and therefore you will want to make sure you are getting the right tile for your application. Knowing how much effort you will have to put in to cleaning, maintaining and preventative measures may help you decide which tile is appropriate.
The first step in every cleaning regime should start with prevention. When it comes to natural stone flooring tiles, your prevention will come from the placement of absorbent floor mats at the front door of your home. An outdoor mat for footwear to be wiped on will stop larger dirt particles and moisture first. An indoor floor mat is your next line of defence. You want to make sure that this mat has a non-slip backing and will not allow moisture to seep through on to your floor. It should also be made of a material that will trap fine dirt particles such as sand, as these abrasives can do unsightly damage to the luster of your floors.
Second stage of cleaning and maintaining the beauty of your tile flooring is to make sure that your take care of spills as soon as they occur. All natural stone is porous to some degree. Tiles such as limestone, slate and marble are non-vitreous meaning they have a higher absorbency rating than other natural stone. These tiles can damage and stain more easily with spills, particularly if left unattended. If your heart is set on marble flooring in your entryway, you will want to make sure that your preventative measures are in place, as sand can scratch the surface of the tile, and allow for more moisture absorption than it would normally have. Take care of spills as soon as they occur, and ensure that the area is completely dried with an absorbent non-abrasive cloth such as microfiber.
The third stage of maintaining the beauty of your stunning floors is to clean them regularly with the right materials. The first thing you will want to do is rid the surface of any dust, sand, or other debris. You can do this with a soft dusting cloth, microfiber dusting broom, or bare floor attachment of your vacuum cleaner. Ensure that if you are using the vacuum attachment that it doesn't have any rough edges that will scratch your tile. Once you have rid the tiles of dust and debris, your next step is to wash the tiles. To do this you will need to ensure that you have a cleaning solution that is approved for the type of stone you are cleaning. Most often the best cleaner is just a microfiber mop that is just slightly dampened with plain tap water. For a more thorough cleaning or sticky messes, you will need to add an approved cleaning solution.
Finally, if after careful cleaning and prevention of major damage, you still end up with an unsightly stain, all is not lost. You can remove most stains from most stone with an application called a poultice. A poultice is basically a mixture of an absorbent talcum powder and hydrogen peroxide. This is applied to the stain and covered with plastic wrap and left over night or for a couple of days in some instances. Before using a poultice to rid your flooring of stains, you should consult a flooring specialist as they will guide you in the right direction with this application.
After careful consideration of all of the maintenance of your flooring, the only thing left to do is install and enjoy the everlasting beauty of natural stone tile.