Marble Slab – A Guide to Marble Slab Purchasing

marble slabMarble is a fantastic way to add elegance and sophistication to your home. For centuries, it has been a sign of prosperity and class. Most people know about the advantages of marble slabs in home building and renovation applications, but many are unaware of how to go about choosing and purchasing the material on their own. Without sufficient knowledge, a major purchase can be daunting. Here are some quick tips to help make your buying experience a little more pleasant.
1. Have a close look at as many marble slabs as you can from at least three natural stone suppliers. This will help you recognize the average quality of the materials available in your area, as well as their prices and colour ranges.
2. Be aware that marble is priced by quality, size, colour, and the location of the quarry it was removed from. When comparing prices, compare only those slabs that have similar thickness for an appropriate price gauge.
3. Shop with a friend. Suppliers frequently give discounts for buying in bulk. Ask your friends and family if they have any interest in purchasing stone building materials for their own homes.
1. Visually inspect the slabs of marble you hope to purchase. Check for any gouges, deep cuts, chips or other unwanted blemishes. Make sure the slab has the colour and pattern you love and that it is distributed in an aesthetically pleasing way.
2. Be sure the slabs in question have a thickness appropriate for the task for which it is meant.
3. High quality marble will give a clear ringing sound when struck. The sound is caused by the density of the material. The denser the marble, the more clear the sound will be.
4. When measuring your slab for pricing, draw a rectangle in the biggest useable area. Do not include an edge that is uneven, or a corner that is chipped.
1. Ensure that the supplier you've chosen handles your slabs carefully. When loaded into a vehicle, slabs should be laid vertically as opposed to horizontally. Failure to do so may result in your slabs cracking or breaking during transportation.
2. Try to be at the shop when the loading is done. There have been stories in the past about suppliers including inferior quality products between nicer slabs.
3. It is highly recommended to have your slab installed by a professional. Any reputable natural stone supplier will have a team available to help out. An installation team will have the equipment to safely move your slabs without the fear of them being cracked or broken.
When you're looking for a slab of marble or any other natural stone, remember to use your number one resource for most important decisions, your family and friends. Speak to them about any experience they may have had with suppliers in your area. Also, be sure to speak with the staff at any natural stone supplier you visit to get a feel for their knowledge base and business ethics. Armed with these helpful tips, choosing your own slab of marble can be a lot less worrisome.